Monday, December 7, 2009

Almost there...but not quite yet.

This past Friday I spent three or more hours at the Cedar Bend Humane Society. I got to talk with the two co-directors and the person who is in charge of the Capital Campaign. I got some stats that I can use for my data visualization such as numbers of animals brought in, animals adopted and money raised for the campaign.

I got video for my audio slideshow and b-roll for my video, however it wasn't until I was home that I realized I was holding the camera the wrong way. For the slideshow audio that won't matter but that means all my b-roll footage is to the side. It is funny cause I practiced with the flip camera and watch it but when I played it back I also had the camera flipped.

Another problem I have encountered is that I couldn't get my data to upload. It said something was wrong with the x-axis. I tried flipping the information but that didn't help.

I am mostly finished with my slideshow. I have a lot of information on it partly cause my first interview with the adoption counselor was full of information but not very audible because of the dogs barking in the background. Since there wasn't a quiet office to interview her in you have all the background actually included in the interview...dogs barking, cats meowing, cell phones ringing, doors closing, and people talking. Hopefully that works to my advantage. I don't know if the pictures and the audio best complement each other but I really don't have the time to mess around and try some other ideas because of all my other problems with the b-roll, many eyes and google maps.

I think the captions tell a lot the interview doesn't the only thing is that they don't really match the photos. The audio slideshow was intended to let the adoption counsel to give her advice and thoughts from her side of the process. Then the photos show what people who come into adopt see such as sad animals who want love. Last, the caption tell more about the process...what test the animals have to undergo to be able to be put up for adoption, the cost, and the application process. Three sides of a story in one slideshow might be a little too much.

I am going to work on the story tonight to make sure I have enough information to fill the 800-1000 word requirement. In addition, I don't want to have an gaps in my writing.

I still need to finish my google map. I had troubles with that last week. It put markers everywhere I clicked even though I wasn't on the balloon marker icon. It made me so frustrated I want to switch to a flash map because I thought it would be easier, but I don't know what I would do with flash. Any ideas?

9 Days till Deadline...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

In the Final Weeks...

Soon finals will be here and there is much to do before they arrive. During break I read the articles I received and searched for some more, trying to grasp the bigger picture for my article portion of the assignment. I found this interesting article on the New York Times website about food donation centers that are available to pet owners that can't afford to keep their pet otherwise. There was discussion about the current economy and home crisis that contribute to the rise of assistance. Chicago animal shelters in particular PAWS, are establishing foster care for animals and food donation programs with Petco to stop the euthanizing of animals. This article isn't the same focus as my article but it might be able to give it that extra idea of why the humane society in Cedar Falls needs a new facility and how the economy is impacting the fundraising for the project.

They also included a slideshow with this article. It was nice but dull after a couple of pictures because there is no sound and the pictures repeat the same ideas and some have captions that retell what you can already see from the picture or read from the article. I need to beware of making those mistakes with my slideshow.

Since I am behind from where I wanted to be at this point my list of things to do is extra long this week so I don't get further behind.

Here is my list of things I want to do this week...
I am going to do my interview for the interactive slideshow about the animals needing to be adopted and the adoption process depending on the sound bits I get from the interview.
I also want to do my video interview and get the b-roll done. I am still going to focus on the problem with the current center.

While doing the interviews, I want to get the locations of all the Humane Societies in Iowa and copyright permission for photos if they have them or find a different route to go on the google map because I won't be able to go take pictures of all the centers.

I also need to get the stats for animal drop off for my data visualization to show if the economy has increase Humane Society numbers.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thoughts before break...

This week I worked on my website. I added a page dedicated to related articles kind of like the New York Times but it is on a separate page right now because my main page isn't set up for my final project.

I am getting better at posting stuff on my website but I had trouble with changing fonts on headlines without changing the entire page's font. I don't know how to prevent that.

I looked through the articles I was given to brainstorm on the purpose of my article. They helped me think about the big picture. I know I am not going to be able to get that written till after Thanksgiving Break.

I need to figure out what I can work on while I am break concerning I won't be in the United States. I guess I will just trying to further my ideas, read some more article, and find some numbers for my data visualization.

I included another picture I took from my last visit.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Visit

Last Wednesday I visited the Cedar Bend Humane Society. The co-directors were away on business and the place was full of college students playing with animals, but I got over 30 pictures. I got more of the cats because they were easier to access, but I got some of the dogs in their cages.

I wish I could have recorded the sounds of the dogs barking while I was there because I found it terrifying and depressing at the same moment.
Some of the pictures were also depressing but I guess that shows the true atmosphere.On the other hand, my friend that came with put it best when she said, "At least they have a warm place to stay with food" instead o
f living in a cage outside in the middle of winter with abusive owners. It is a new outlook on the Humane Society for me.

I included some of the photos I took while there.

This week I want to look at past articles on other humane societies to get a feel for the bigger picture. I also would like to mess around with the video if I have time. I want to leave stuff I can work on without being near the Humane Society till Thanksgiving Break.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Visualize this...

This is where I am right now on the brain storming.

Data visualization:
After learning about data visualization in class I was thinking about comparing national & Cedar Valley (would have to crunch some numbers) adoption rates to animals put to sleep because of lack of funding and over crowding over the past 20 years. Also I could look at the adoption rates of different types of dogs (some breeds more likely to be adopted?) and different age groups (the older the animal the less likely it is to get adopted compared to puppies and kittens?). I could even make my own graph based on what percent of pets are there because x reason such as 50% are there because of baby and children issues with the animal, 20% because of expenses issues with taking care of the animal, 15% because of inter-animal conflict, 5% because owners died, and ect. In addition, I could do a graph with money fund raised at each event to show what was a failure and what worked well. Last, I could do a graph showing how much money is giving to other non-profits in the Cedar Valley Area compared to the Humane Society. I don't know where I would find that data. There are multiple ways I can go, depending on what best fits with the story.

Video: For the video I can do a tour of the present facility and all the problems, showing all the issue the employees have to deal with daily such as overcrowd, rusty cages, leaks, ect. I don't know how I would do a tour of the new facility or if I could put their virtual online tour with that.

Slide show: I think animals would be the best subject to take photographs of. They are hard to capture but you can take your time with them. Plus you could get some interesting active shots with them getting bathed to look good for the adoptions or interacting with people during adoption hours. I don't how many animals I could focus on and if I should just stay with dogs or incorporate both dogs and cats. Focus on the adoption process or the animals needing adoption?

Interactive map: I like the idea of pinpointing where all the humane societies are in Iowa. It would be cool to add in adoption site like Petco where Cedar Bend Human Society has certain days and hours they bring animals. I think the map of the facility would be alright but not as interesting to the reader.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Story Time...

Since I was sick most of last week through part of the weekend and was trapped inside of my apartment against my will, I decide to start writing my article from the interview I had and what I knew about the capital campaign from the website. It needs more information and I need to interview more people involved.

So my goal for this week is to get down to the Humane Society before the next time I blog. It is hard to catch the co-directors during the weekends when it works best for me so I will have to make a trip to Waterloo before or after my classes. I was wondering whether I want to interview volunteers or employees about the capital campaign or save them for the video or slideshow. I guess it depends on how much they know about the campaign.

I would like to interview some people who have helped raise funds for the campaign. In addition, I want to find out if any people are against the building of this new facility for a different point of view. Otherwise I need to get some of the problems or issues with the building of the new facility so the story doesn't seem promotional.

I want to start taking some photos when I visit this week so I can formulate slideshow ideas. However, I know I am most worried about doing video so I should start working on that so I don't put it off. We will see how that goes. Also, I am not sure if I understand what a data visualization is or the purpose of it. But, I think we are suppose to talk about it later this week so hopefully that will clear up any confusion.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Nothing much new...

So I planned on visiting the shelter this past Wednesday or Sunday. Wednesday, I got bogged down with other classes so Sunday seemed like a good date. Well as life tends to go...the co-directors weren't working and the co-workers seems a little shy about giving out any new information or being interviewed without them there so they asked me to come back later in the week. I am going to try to go on Wednesday morning before my class or Friday after my class to get more information so I can start on my story for the Capital Campaign and get the creative juices flowing for the multimedia parts.

Therefore, I plan on blogging twice this week, to half blogs to equal one complete well thought out blog. I didn't know if we had to blog on Tuesday or if we could blog on Thursday so I am just giving a brief update until I know more later this week. To be continued...